About us


We are a family-oriented Ministry. Our pastoral staff strives to deliver Bible-based messages that are relevant to the challenges of everyday life. From those who are just beginning to investigate Christianity to those who are in a mature relationship with Christ, Holy Ground Christian Fellowship is a place where Christ can touch people in a personal way.

Our guiding principle is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible before our Lord returns.

We aspire to evangelize wherever the Gospel message needs to be heard and to share the need-to-know Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior. We aim to work with other local churches and ministries assisting them to evangelize in their communities. We would love to join you, in your community to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you need our support, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

 Paid in Full Motorcycle Miniatry is a Registered and Trademarked Any Unauthorized Use Is Prohibited.


“We believe of a Church where the hurting can encounter the peace and grace of Jesus Christ.”



“To show how we can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that leads us to have a eternal life in Heaven.”



“To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible before our Lord returns.”

Our Statement Of Faith Is Available Upon Request By Contacting Pastor Betsy Mata at (714) 231-0070 Or pastorbetsy@pifmm.org

our pastors

Pastors Jose and Betsy Mata are the founders of Paid in Full Motorcycle Ministry that was born from the church they founded in 2002, Holy Ground Christian Fellowship in California.

They are two of the most loving people you will ever meet. Both deep in their faith and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. They established Paid in Full Motorcycle Ministry as an outreach ministry to impact the community and be able to reach out to as many people through their love and passion for riding while providing a place that does not care about what you ride, what church you attend, or what addiction you face. They both have truly created a come as you are church, and want to reach the lost, the afflicted, and unloved to help guide them to the kingdom of God.

In September of 2012, the Lord called Pastors Jose and Betsy to move to Tampa Florida from California, where they relocated the mother chapter of Paid in Full Motorcycle Ministry, leaving behind a chapter in California which is under the Leadership of Pastor Martin and Sylvia Lopez. 

Now that the Lord has led them to Tampa, Florida, they have started a new chapter in life. As they will continue to fellowship and reach out to others. They both enjoy riding motorcycles and use their bikes as a tool to reach out to those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Paid in Full Motorcycle Ministry is a working ministry that assists other community ministries in reaching out to the biker world, drug addicts (all types of substance abuse), alcoholics, and those that are simply in need of support, encouragement, and healing.

If you are looking to ride with Christian men and women; they would love to connect with you, feel free to contact them today.

Man on a motorcycle
PIF Men Logo

Pastor José Mata

Senior Pastor

Woman on a motorcycle
PIF Women Logo

Pastor Betsy Mata

Pastor & Director of the Church



If you would like information about Buena Park, Ca. West Coast Motorcycle Ministry Chapter you may contact pastormartin@holygroundchurch.org or call (714) 315-2817

Hands with a halo

Meet Our team

Jose Mata profile shot

Jose Mata

Senior Pastor

For many years, I did the common thing, looking for happiness, a place to fit in and to belong. I did the sex, drugs, alcohol, and rock & roll, you name it I did it. But all of this brought me short-lived happiness.

I wanted to fill that void in my life that none of the above could fill on a permanent level. Until one day I found Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior something, I thought I would never do. In the bible, Revelation 3:20 says, “Here I am” I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”

That door is the door to your heart, accept Him. Ask Jesus Christ to dwell in your heart and you will see the difference He will make in your life. I am not telling you it is going to be easy, but you have Him by your side 24/7, for He said, “I’ll never leave you or forsake you” He is faithful.

You will have Him to lean on.

I thought I was such a sinner that Jesus would not want anything to do with me and would not forgive my sins. I was dead wrong. He loved me and forgave me. So now my life is dedicated to Him, thanks to His forgiveness, mercy, and grace I am serving Him.

Betsy Mata

Pastor & Director of the Church

I will talk about my past just a little because it is like many other people with drugs etc. I was a juvenile delinquent, and I left my home at the age of 14 years old and made my life as I thought it should be. I lived in the streets of New York, Brooklyn, Jamaica, Queens, and the Bronx. I worked in bars as a barmaid and as a Go-Go Girl which is what we use to call it years ago. Today they call it something else.

I knew what it was to drink anyone under the table or take drugs like there was no tomorrow. I associated with the bad and the good. I knew what it was to take from others. I knew what it was to run from the cops and to fight them like a man would fight a man.

My mother had no choice but to put a warrant for my arrest. I was on probation for three years and she was afraid that I would kill someone, or someone would kill me. So, the courts gave her a choice, and my mother decided to leave Brooklyn and move to Puerto Rico because she wanted her daughter home.​

In the year, 2002 God told me to see a doctor. To make a long story short, I did, and I found out that I had cancer. I did not know how much faith I had until I turned myself completely to the Lord. By doing so, He has completely healed me. Hallelujah Praise the Lord!!!​

God has blessed me with my life and a wonderful man who is the Pastor of Holy Ground Christian Fellowship and Paid in Full Motorcycle Ministry here in Buena Park, California. He has also made me wealthy by giving me a Christian family whom I love.​

Betsy Mata profile shot

I have one desire in my heart, and I pray that God allows me to stay alive until I see and ask a special person for his forgiveness, but I have not been able to find him. If not, I have peace because I know God has forgiven me.

Give God a chance to reveal Himself to you because He loves you so much that He gave his only Son for you. (John 3:16) my favorite scripture.

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